Tuesday 8 November 2016

November Update

Hartman News November 2016

Thanks to all the families who supported the Fresh from the Farm fundraising initiative this year.  We will be taking delivery of the 
vegetables on Wednesday November 30th. Parents will be able to pick-up their orders after school.

Dance-a-thon Report
A huge THANK-YOU to Marianna Savella who took the lead on organizing this very successful event.  Also thanks to the parents who gave their time during the day to help run the dance, the kids had a terrific time!

Highest Pledgealope was Haiden H. in Ms. Bekiri's class he is the winner of the Leaf Tickets!

Highest class pledges was Ms. Leonard's class!

Winners of the various raffle draws;
Kobe C won the ipad
Anna M won the Maplea Doll
Bowen W won the Mastermind gift
Ethan C won Paw Patrol
Fiona L won lunch with Admin
Devin W won the Tech Gloves
Dylan W won the Wii playdate
Hunter G won the crayola prize
Emanuel P won the movie passes
Rik B won the Monopoly game
Michelle Y won the Google Play prize
Evan P. won the Speaker
Gabriel P won the McDonald's prize

Thank-you to ALL the families who supported this Fundraiser!

Opening for Crossing Guard
We currently have an position open for a crossing guard.  If you are interested, please speak to Mr. Helston.

Remembrance Day Assemblies
On Friday November 11th we will have two assemblies;

9:15 will be the primary K-3 assembly    
Recess will be early 10:10-10:40
10:45 will be the Junior/Intermediate

A BIG thank-you to Mr. Edwards, Ms Vincent and Mr. Jackson for their work putting together the Wall of Honour, the Front Display Case and the content of the Assemblies.  If you haven't seen the wall, make a point of stopping by the front entrance of the school, it is a truly moving tribute.

Artist at Work
Donald Chretien is currently working our 
Grade 8 students.  He is an accomplished 
First Nations Canadian artist, and we are excited to see how he inspires our Intermediate students.

Cross Country News
Congratulations to our Tyke (Grade 4 Boys) who won the team competition at the Regionals last month!  Thanks to the team of teachers led by Mr. Toogood who supported the training of our runners this year.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Hartman News October

Dance - A- Thon October 31st !

We are looking forward to our second annual Dance-a-thon to be held on Monday October 31st. Students will have a period in the gym to dance and show off their costumes with other kids from their grade.  Students who bring ina pledge-a-lope will have the opportunity to win wonderful prizes that have been donated by members of community.

Extra Curricular Activities

Cross Country Regional Competition

On Wednesday October 19th, Mr. Toogood will be taking the students who qualified at the Area Meet to Bruce's Mill for the Regionals.  Fourteen individual runners and three teams qualified this year, for a total of 25 students!

1-2-3 Singers  

Once again, Mr. Wallace is working with our Primary students twice a week (Day 1 and Day 4) at morning recess, to practice and develop some new performances.

Chess Club

This week Ms. Allen had her first meeting of the chess club.  We are excited to see who is interested in pursuing this new club.  Any parents who think they might be able to lend us some expertise in this area, please contact Ms. Allen!

Quilting Club

Once again, Ms. Allen will be working with Intermediate students who are interested in learning how to quilt, Day 3 in the Library.


Intermediate Boys and Girls began try-outs for the school team this week.  The girls will be coached by Ms. Trivedi & Ms. Leonard, the Boys by Mr. Anderson.

Intramurals & Healthy Living

Mr. Edwards will be running intramural sports for Junior students on Day 2 and Day 3 at morning recess.  Mr. Edwards also works with a committee of students and parent volunteers to deliver healthy snacks and to promote healthy practices at school, for example the iwalk Wednesdays, which encourages students and caregivers to walk to school each week.

Primary Play Leaders   

                                        View image on Twitter

Grade 4 students have been running a variety of sports activities for primary students at morning recesses.  Several Primary teachers (Ms. Aldrich, Mr. Edwards, Ms. Mayer) help supervise the set-up of equipment.

Lego Robotics

Ms. Shillolo & Mr. Donald have begun working with students new to Lego Robotics this year.  They had 35 students who are new to robotics show an interest this week!  The crew meets on Day 4 at lunch.

Parent Council Meets Thursday October 20th at 6:30 pm 
Join us in the Learning Commons (All parents are welcome!!!)
Childcare for school age children is provided!

Drama Performance at Nathan Philip Square

Mr. Boyd is taking a group of students down to Nathan Philips square on Wednesday October 19th, to perform for a live audience! The piece is a tribute to Remembrance Day.

Friday 23 September 2016

Week - At - A - Glance 

Monday September 26th:   PA Day 

Tuesday September 27th:  Book Fair Begins

Wednesday September 28th:  Picture Day!

Thursday September 29th:  Terry Fox Run & Meet the Staff Night 

Friday September 30th:  Grade 8's to Blue Mountain

The board is offering ESL classes to Adults (Please use the link below to get more information).

Adult ESL Classes

Flag Football

Coach Carvalho and his team began the season with a 30 - 6 victory over Rick Hansen PS!  The Team are last year's defending regional champs!

Cross Country

90 Students have joined Hartman's Cross Country Team!  The area meet will be held October 5th.  Thanks to coaches Mr. Toogood, Mr. Hammell, Ms. Bazos and Ms. Vincent


Mr. Boyd has been working with our Junior and Intermediate students on several pieces, we look forward to seeing them at our assembly next week!

Healthy Schools

Mr. Edwards has drafted several students to promote healthy living throughout the school by designing posters and activities to engage students.

Lego Robotics

Mrs. Shillolo & Mr. Donald had their first meeting with students interested in Lego Robotics.  Last year the team won at the Area competition! 

Tech Team

Ms. Allen will be looking for students to join the Tech team this year to support with assemblies and live streaming.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Welcome Back Hartman Heroes!

All are welcome to join us for our first parent council meeting which will be held Thursday September 22nd in the library 6:30-8pm.  At the first meeting we select the leadership and anyone who attends can be a voting member at parent council meetings we hold throughout the year. Typically we meet once a month and we can make child care arrangements if needed.  We hope to see you there!

Please join us Thursday September 29th between 5-7pm to meet your child's teacher and reconnect with other families in our school community.

Mrs. Capone
Mr. Nicitopoulos
Mrs. Vincent
Mrs. Bekiri
Mrs. Croswell
Mrs. Currie
Mrs. Montgomery
Mrs. Harper
Mrs. Shillolo
Mrs. Aldrich
Mrs. Mayer
Mr. Conner
Mr. Hammell
Mr. Toogood
Ms. Huzarski
Mrs. MacGillivray
Mrs. Paczek
Mr. Jackson
Mr. Carvalho
Ms. Allen
Mr. Wallace
Mr. Boyd
Mrs. Bainerman
Mr. Andersen
Reading Recovery
Mrs.  Wynn
Mrs. May
Community Class
Mrs. Sunshine & Mrs. Griese & Ms. Golden
Educational Assistants
Primary:  Mrs. Rubinstein, Mrs. Alton
Junior/Intermediate:  Mrs. Hynes, Mr. Donald, Mrs. Sardaro
Special Education
Primary:  Mrs. Morgan
Junior/Intermediate:  Mrs. Ivory, Mrs. Jefferson
Ms. Leonard & Mrs. Rahman
Mrs. Kallio & Mrs. Phua
Mrs. Wheeler & Mrs. Riddell
Ms. Hacker & Mrs. Brennan
Mrs. Trivedi & Mrs. Hunter
Ms. Vanderveekan & Mrs. Bailey