Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Dear Parents,

Hartman needs your help to save a Polar Bear!

Our healthy schools I-Walk theme for January is called “Polar Bear Walk” and January is a great month to show respect for the environment, concern for global warming and its threat to the polar bear population.
Students are invited to bring a polar bear stuffed animal to school on Wednesdays all month long!  If you do not have a polar bear, students can bring any stuffed animal or make their own polar bear.  A photo mounted on paper and taped to a pencil makes a handy polar bear to carry to school. 

Great news, last year Hartman proudly adopted five endangered animals like the Meerkat, the Red Panda, the Arctic Fox, the Snowy Owl, the Snow Leopard and the Polar Bear. Some grade six students have already decided that they want to sell items again this year at recess for a "toonie" to help towards the cause! That's awesome!
It costs about $50.00 to adopt one endangered animal from the “World Wildlife Federation”. So let’s see how many animals we can adopt!
The class that collects the most money in donations will receive a FREE GYM PERIOD courtesy of Mr. Edwards! 
Whenever you go to school, please walk or park and walk a block!

I Walk… Do You?


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