Monday 25 January 2016

This Week At Hartman Jan 25th 

My Healthy Lunch Challenge (Grades 2,3 & 4)
The healthy lunch challenge runs all this week, the class with the most sheets handed in wins a free gym period!

A big THANK-YOU!!! to SUPERSTORE in Aurora for sponsoring healthy snacks on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Hartman.  These healthy options are made available to students before morning recess. Thanks to volunteers from the parent council for shopping and organizing the delivery of these snacks!

Today at morning recess K-pop Junior is meeting in portable 2.
Today at lunch Drama Workshop students are meeting

Intermediate boys basketball team practice today at Lunch recess.

Lost & Found
There is a grey BMX bicycle in the front foyer, whoever owns this bike should speak to Mr. Helston.

Intermediate Boys Volleyball Team are invited to play a friendly game with the Junior volleyball team tomorrow at 1:10 in the gym.

The Junior Volleyball Team will be hosting Regency Acres tomorrow after school.  Best of Luck Heroes!

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